
THE FANTASY TRIP – Old-School Roleplaying!

Created by Steve Jackson Games

Help us bring back Steve Jackson's first tabletop RPG.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

GM Screen Unlocked, Rumors Posted, Thread, and a Judges Guild Bonus
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Aug 03, 2018 at 07:28:33 PM

What an awesome surprise to wake to on Friday: The GM screen stretch goal is down! Now, the Legacy Edition box will include a three-panel, landscape GM screen. Why packed inside the box and not as a separate item? After a discussion with our sales team, we came to the conclusion that it is better for the screen to be a part of the package rather than a separate title, which aligns perfectly with our goal of making the Legacy Edition as big and amazing as possible. Thank you, everyone, for making this one a reality. 

Retweet Rumors

Steve has posted the five rumors to the site, and I have to say that this is some of my favorite extra content so far. One of the things I most love about OSR roleplaying games is the control handed to the GM; unlike many games of today's age, the GM of an OSR roleplaying game is encouraged to fill in the blanks. Every rule and detail isn't spelled out for you; it's your game, make it yours! - "Fantasy Trip Question"

Over at, user gravelbone asks: "How does it compare to D&D 5e and Savage Worlds in complexity and play? Or is just just [sic] a GURPS medium (somewhere between GURPS lite and GURPS)? I guess this is sort of sell me on thread...sigh."

Well, let's answer the question! Please visit this thread and let gravelbone know why you're a fan of The Fantasy Trip. The more info that we can give when questions like this are asked, the more support we may collect . . . making the project better for everyone! Please, if you have time, weigh in on the thread today.

Thank You, Judges Guild!

We've been at work securing some fun additions to The Fantasy Trip Companion, the softcover collection of website extras and Space Gamer articles, and can now reveal that Judges Guild has given their blessing to a behind-the-scenes project that is starting to come together. We have been tracking down a few authors of old TFT material, and we're happy to announce that Dan Goodsell, author of the "Caves of the Goblin Lord" adventure from Pegasus #6, has signed a deal with us and we will be reprinting his adventure in The Fantasy Trip Companion.

This is (hopefully) the first of a handful of old magazine articles that will be included inside The Fantasy Trip Companion. We're still working on securing the rights to other articles (I have a meeting tomorrow at Gen Con that may unlock a few more articles), and we will do the best we can to collect as many old articles together as possible.

What is The Fantasy Trip Companion? The $137,500 stretch goal unlocked a printed softcover book of web and Space Gamer articles, which you can add to your pledge for $15. Or, if you're already at the $110 I Want It All reward level, you're getting this softcover book as part of your rewards. And, as you can see, we're doing what we can to make this a must-have book in the TFT library.

- Phil Reed

Twitter Stretch Goal Down, Gen Con, BGG, and a Hexcrawl
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Aug 02, 2018 at 01:55:09 PM

Congrats, team! For the first day of Gen Con, we are happy to announce that you have knocked over that Twitter stretch goal . . . and now it is time for us to prepare five rumors to post at website. 

And the Twitter goal isn't alone! You have also trampled the $160,000 stretch goal . . . the $165,000 stretch goal (GM screen!) is next. And just a little beyond that at $180,000 we now have a new stretch goal revealed: "We will upgrade the GM screen stock, providing the GM with greater protection against dice attacks."

Gen Con

If you're at Gen Con today, we hope you'll stop by booth 1413 and say hi to the crew. We'll be running demos of Melee and Wizard at the show, and for many gamers, this will be their first hands-on experience with the games. The mockup components used at the booth do not match what we're producing in the final game, but the gameplay is spot on. 

Are you not at Gen Con? We intend to keep an eye on this project and updating as necessary throughout Gen Con, and we have launched a Gen Con special at Warehouse 23 for those of you who cannot join us at the show. We'll be thinking of you! Maybe next year, right?

The Fantasy Trip in the Steve Jackson Games display case at Gen Con.
The Fantasy Trip in the Steve Jackson Games display case at Gen Con.

BGG and RPGGeek

That RPGGeek stretch goal -- 325 fans of this page -- is now about 100 fans away from an unlock, so please be sure to visit the page and click the heart button to become a fan. And while you're at it, this thread on BGG is waiting for your comments and attention. Join in and let the world know about how excited you are to see a new edition of The Fantasy Trip!

Paying it Forward: Woodfall

Not related to TFT, but still of possible interest, I want to direct your attention to the Woodfall campaign on Kickstarter. What is Woodfall? From the Kickstarter page: "Woodfall is a mini dark fantasy setting that is designed to be easy for DMs to pick up and run in their campaigns. It focuses on game-able content and is art and graphic heavy."

It may not be written for use with The Fantasy Trip, but the art and setting look fun enough to me that I backed the project and thought that many of you might enjoy this. Check it out!

- Phil Reed

More Stretch Goals Down, Tollenkar's Lair, and New Stretch Goals
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Aug 01, 2018 at 09:59:07 PM

Since unlocking the hardcover of In the Labyrinth yesterday, you have also unlocked:

  • 150 RPGGeek Fans - Posted on the website: five (more) new plants for The Fantasy Trip.
  • $153,000 - Posted on the website: Five Bits of Flavor.
  • $156,000 - Posted on the website: five new non-combat spells for The Fantasy Trip.

We will get these posted just as quickly as possible. Steve has all them ready to go, but I encountered technical difficulties (as well as Gen Con timing issues) that have prevented me from publishing the articles to their site. We're working on it!

Tollenkar's Lair

The $130,000 stretch goal was defeated days ago, but now it is time for us to reveal the near-final cover for the Tollenkar's Lair adventure. As always, we may continue to make slight tweaks before we send this to print, but it is effectively 99% completed and looks great. Thanks, Rick, for your work on the game!

Tollenkar's Lair cover artwork by Rick Hershey.
Tollenkar's Lair cover artwork by Rick Hershey.

New Stretch Goals Revealed

Since unlocking the hardcover yesterday, we have now opened up the following new stretch goals:

  • $170,000 - We upgrade the Melee and Wizard dice to pearlized acrylics. Red with gold ink for the Melee box and blue with gold ink for the Wizard box.
  • $174,000 - Posted on the website: five new impractical spells for The Fantasy Trip.
  • 325 RPGGeek Fans - Posted on the website: five (more) new animals for The Fantasy Trip.

And please remember, all of those website articles are now a part of the project; the Companion softcover book keeps growing as you unlock more stretch goals!

Solo Board Gamers Group

Today, let's direct our attentions to the Solo Board Gamers group on Facebook and help explain everyone understand how The Fantasy Trip can be used for solitaire adventures. Do you have any tales of that time you defeated Death Test? Let the members of the Solo Board Gamers group know just how much fun you have playing The Fantasy Trip as a solitaire game!

Direct your comments to this post, please, so that it is easier for everyone to join in on the discussion.

- Phil Reed

Hardcover Unlocked!
almost 6 years ago – Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 11:27:52 PM

Thank you, everyone, for taking the project past the $150,000 mark . . . and in the first week! We still have over three weeks to go before the project closes, and we're not yet through all of the tricks up our sleeves.

Hardcover In the Labyrinth

Now, the $110 I Want It All reward includes a hardcover copy of the 160-page In the Labyrinth rulebook. This is in addition to the softcover In the Labyrinth book that is packed inside the Legacy Edition box set. After all, we can always use multiple copies of the rulebook at the table, right?

And if you need more hardcover copies of In the Labyrinth, we've opened the book up as a $35 add-on. Just increase your pledge and, when the BackerKit pledge manager opens, you'll let us know exactly which add-ons you want to be packed with your rewards.

RPGGeek Goal Almost Met

Wow! When we opened the new RPGGeek goal, we had no idea that so many of you would leap over to the page and become fans of The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition so quickly. At this rate, we'll unlock that social goal later today . . . it must be about time for us to reveal another social goal.

Keep Sharing With Your Friends!

That $150,000 stretch goal may be behind us, but we still have the $165,000 GM screen to unlock (and more web articles before we hit the screen), so now isn't the time to take a break. Let's keep going up and up and attracting more supporters; bringing in new backers is the best way to make this an adventure that we will always remember.

- Phil Reed 

Facebook Stretch Goal Down, New RPGGeek Stretch Goal, and Hardcover Approaches
almost 6 years ago – Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 08:54:43 PM

You've done it, gang! We knew an adventuring party of over 1,700 could unlock our Facebook stretch goal, and now we're adding a fourth sheet of die-cut megahexes to the Legacy Edition box! Great work, team. But we're not done yet . . .

150 RPGGeek Fans

If the new The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition RPGGeek page attracts 150 fans before the end of this Kickstarter project, we'll add five (more) new plants to the official website (and the printed Companion, of course!). These new plants are in addition to those unlocked earlier (and already posted here), so please jump over to RPGGeek today and become a fan of The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition.


Yes, that hardcover stretch goal is looking like it may fall today. I am on my way to Gen Con (visit our booth to play Melee and Wizard, info posted here) now . . . will you push the project over $150,000 before I reach Indianapolis this afternoon? Fingers crossed! Let's take this past $150,000 today and then beyond because we have more surprises in store for you before the project closes.

- Phil Reed